Sunday, May 1, 2011


This is the Farmer's Market, off to the opposite side of the Ramblas than the Cathedral. It was close early on Easter Morning, but open later. This is where Jeffrey's favorite Barcelona Restaurant is.

The Ramblas is a great walking tour on it's own, but some of the side streets hold special treasures. Here in the Plaza Real is a collection of street lamps designed by Gaudi himself. Here I am standing underneath one. The Plaza is small, but has many nice palm trees, and lots of sidewalk cafes and people.

I got a photo of Don, also standing next to a Gaudi streetlamp. This day there was a street market for stamp and postcard collectors. By the time I got back, they had closed, though there was a guy selling Coca-Cola collectables still there.

There are many old, beautiful buildings along the Ramblas, though Spain had a civil war in 1936 that wrecked many parts of town, so just what is really old & what is re-constructed is sometimes a bit of a puzzle.

This building holds a Chinese restaurant, and has Art Neuveau-style decorations. Very interesting, as well as unusual.

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