Sunday, May 1, 2011


The cathedral in Carcassone was dark, a bit dank, and beautiful. It is hard to get a photo of a rose window, but this is what I got.

The Cathedral door was no Notre Dame, but was quite nice. Inside, however, was the real treat.there were 5 men singing Gregorian chants. They were good, and the acoustics of the church were wonderful. I only heard them sing 2, but it was a highlight of the trip.

The walls at Carcassone reminded me of Toledo, though it is a bit smaller. It was restored about 100+ years ago, and they did a good job. To live there, you need to have a unique craft, and apply for permission & a license. Of course, you can live outside the walls, and many do. The unfortunate thing about our visit was the rain. It did let up a little, but it would have been better to have sunshine!

On our way from France to Spain, we stopped to make sure we were heading the correct way. I had to check it out, personally!

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